August – The month of enthusiasm! Pakistan is a free state and we all know how it was achieved after so many sacrifices. Our media, celebrities, and business industry have a vital role to promote this country’s image in the whole world. We are a free nation and appreciate love, prosperity, and progress! The fashion collection took few messages from some well-known celebrities and our prestigious clients to share their thoughts with our readers.

Ayeza Khan
Independence for me is to give freedom to everyone despite their religion, color, or caste. Let’s make this Country better for minorities as well so that they feel free to practice their religious activities. Peace and happiness is the key to make this country prosper.

Fahmeen Ansari
(Super model)
I can’t celebrate 14th august where a woman can’t be independent, what kind of country is this where a little girl can’t go to school safely? What kind of country is this where a woman is not safe either it’s her home or she’s outside.
What kind of country is this where she is not safe with her friends or husband? What kind of country is this where a woman raped in front of her two kids ???? Is this an independent country???? I will celebrate this day when it allows freedom for all, NOT ONLY FOR MEN :((((

Yasmin Zaman
(Fashion Designer)
This Independence Day, let’s recognize everyone’s right to freedom across gender, caste, and religion. Happy Independence Day.

Munnaza Ahmed
(Mahrose Group)
‘UNITY’ in our minds
‘FAITH’ in ourselves
‘DISCIPLINE’ is to maintain
Let’s celebrate the Nation and bravery of our forefathers and their gift of freedom. Jeevay Jeevay Pakistan🇵🇰.
Happy Independence Day!

Imran Baxamoosa
(CEO BlueEX)
“From the lessons of independence, there’s no struggle that can be a success without women participating side by side with men. We have to start today and value the efforts of each other”

Danial Afzal Khan
My message is pretty simple, Pakistan is an actual gift of Allah SWT, filled with everything, other countries are deprived of. There’s not a single thing which it doesn’t possess from the ground up or below till the skies. I request and urge the readers to treat it like the gift it is. Own it, protect it, love it and most importantly prove that we deserve it.

Salwa Zainab
(Manager, Resource Development – The Kidney Centre)
Independence is a blessing, 14th August reminds us of the day when we became an independent nation. On this 74th independence Day, we must take a wow to make our country a better place to live by doing little good deeds like not littering around, following traffic rules, etc. These little adjustments in our daily routine will definitely make a big difference in the long run.

Faysal Quraishi
Pakistan is our homeland and we should treat it as one. This year let’s appreciate each other and spread love all over. Make this country an example for the world to look up to – Pakistan Zindabad.

Waqas Naeem
(Waqas Naeem-Deputy Brand Manager Kenwood)
It’s our responsibility to emerge stronger, better, and more progressive as a nation
Happy Independence Day!

Shazia Qasim
(Shazia Qasim-Shazia’s Salon & Institue)
Embrace the power of togetherness as a nation!
Wishing you all to enjoy this year’s Independence Day to the fullest!

Muhammad Junaid
(Director Artciti)
Freedom is in our minds and faith is in our hearts Pride is in our soul and the love for the nation in our blood. We are blessed to be able to have a right to speak. A right that several people fought for and sacrificed everything for. It is our duty now to create a better nation for generations to follow. Happy Independence Day and Pakistan Zindabad.

Isphanyar Bhandara
(Cheif Executive-Murree Brewery Company Limited)
Freedom doesn’t come easy and that is the reason we must protect it more. No love is bigger than the love for the country… Warm wishes on Pakistan Independence Day!

Yasir Ali Khan
Freedom comes at a cost, a cost only those who fought for it are aware of. Salute to the people who freed our country and to those who are still working for the betterment of this land.
Long live Pakistan 🇵🇰

Shahzad Noor
This year I am planning to make Pakistan green instead of putting green flags, I feel like as Pakistani we all are responsible to give New & green Pakistan to the coming generation!

Syed Farhan Akhtar
(Brand Manager-Roomi Enterprises (Pvt ) Limited)