May the divine light helps eradicate your sins during this holy month of Ramadan. Ramadan Kareem to you all! This year like every other year, an entire month of fasting from dawn to dark is unique to Muslims, and given that Islam has over one billion adherents worldwide, it is reasonable to infer that a few hundreds of millions of individuals fast during Ramadan. All healthy adult Muslims have a religious obligation to fast throughout Ramadan.
During the month of Ramadan, millions of Muslims around the world maintain a strict Islamic fast. Fasting educates us Muslims on self-discipline and self-restraint and allows us to empathise with those who are less fortunate, suffering, or impoverished. Children, menstruation women, the sick, and travellers are exempt from fasting; pregnant and lactating women are also exempt and may postpone their fasting until a period when it will not interfere with their maternal obligations.
Islamic fasting oers a one-month approach to intermittent fasting that is unlike any other. It also diers from typical voluntary or experimental fasting in that the faster does not consume any liquids during the fasting period. Ramadan fasting not only disciplines the body to abstain from eating and drinking, but it also involves abstaining from gossip and profanity in every area of one’s physical body, including the tongue and ears; all sexual thoughts and behaviours are also prohibited during the fasting hours. A Muslim engages his or her entire body in the physical observation of the Ramadan fast in this way. The eyes, ears, tongue, and even the private parts are all required to be restricted in some way. As a result, physiological changes detected during Islamic fasting are likely to dier from those reported during an experimental fast.

During Ramadan, the majority of Muslims eat two substantial meals, one shortly after sundown and the other shortly before sunrise. They are permitted to eat and drink only between sunset and daybreak when their day of fasting until sunset begins. After all the calories from the foods taken during the night have been used up, the body uses its stocks of carbohydrates (stored in the liver and muscles) and fat to provide energy during fasting hours when no food or drink is consumed. Since the body cannot store water, the kidneys save it by lowering the amount of water lost in the urine. The body, on the other hand, cannot resist losing some water when you go to the bathroom, via your skin, when you breathe, and when you sweat if the weather is hot.
Caffeinated liquids such as tea and coffee are commonly consumed during the day, therefore the lack of caffeine during the fast may cause headaches and fatigue at first. As the body adjusts to going without caffeine during the day during Ramadan, this may become less of an issue.
The body can rehydrate and get energy from the foods and fluids taken once the fast is broken. If you haven’t eaten in a long time, breaking the fast gently and starting with plenty of fluids and low-fat, fluid-rich foods may be beneficial. It’s critical to drink plenty of water and eat fluid-rich foods like fruit, vegetables, yogurt, soups, and stews to restore fluids lost during the day and start the next day of fasting properly hydrated. As salt makes you thirsty, it’s best to avoid eating a lot of salty meals. Suhoor, the pre-dawn meal, supplies fluids and energy for the fasting day ahead, so making healthy choices will help you cope better.