Muneeb Butt on handling negative comments
I have stopped judging people. Whatever money I spent on my wedding, I have more on charity. I only had a lavish wedding because I wanted a memorable event. I love entertaining people. I like to be a good host.
Sanam Balooch on appearing in dramas
I prefer to give a gap to change the perception of a particular role. I believe that if I give a gap, then it will not look the same and will provide a different look of mine to the audience.
Mahira Khan on her childhood memories
I lived in a joint family system with lots of male cousins. Instead of me becoming a tom boy, I made them dance with me like girls. I was pampered a lot as I was born after eight years of marriage of my parents. My grandparents spoilt me and loved me beyond my imagination. I had lots of fun as a kid.
Maya Ali on how people started calling her Maya
My original name is Mariyam which my dadi kept. Since I used to get sick a lot in my childhood, my mother wanted to change the name, but my father liked this name. Everybody then started calling me Maya.
Sarwat Gilani on being ambassador for special children
I am so glad to be the ambassador for special children. We have so much talent in our country. They come first in every sport, be it running, swimming or basket ball. One good thing is that parents of special children are now taking out their kids to participate in these games and give them a good life. They are no longer embarrassed.
Hina Altaf on being independent
I was 21 when I decided to leave the house and live independently. My father was furious. But I think it is very important for everyone to be independent and a chance to live their life. I took this decision to look at all the problems from outside the box.
Yumna Zaidi on preparing the roles
When a role comes to me, I read the script and try to imagine the character’s life five years ago and then try to go into that. I also sit with the director and discuss the role thoroughly. I read the script many times to absorb it completely.
Komal Aziz on being strong
I think if women do not take a stand, people will continue to take advantage of them. I do not believe in women being suppressed. They are equal to men and should be treated so. I am independent and does not believe in succumbing to torture and mistreatment from others.