An actress and model, Sonya Hussain made her acting debut in 2011 with series Dareecha. She has played a leading role in several hits, the latest being Haasil. She has been a nominee for Lux Style Awards and have appeared in numerous TV serials.
Sonya has also made her debut on the big screen with Jami’s Moor in which she played the supporting character of Amber and later starred in the leading role in Azaadi.
Here she talks with Fashion Collection about her journey as an actor.

Fashion Collection: Tell us something about your journey as a fashion model and actor?
Sonya Hussain: You can have ups and downs, but I believed in myself that kept my faith; i kept fighting. And I didn’t let people put me down. One needs to realize Life is not easy for anyone.
FC: What inspired you to venture into this field?
SH: The creative process, the ability to live different lives through varied characters I get to perform.
FC: You are passionate about?
SH: Passionate about my family first, then the craft of acting.
FC: What interests you most about your work? Acting or modelling?
SH: Acting all the way
FC: If you could change the world, what would you do?
SH: I will do two things; first to ensure every child is safe and nurtured and second change people’s mindset and approach towards female gender and instill respect in the way they see , deal and talk about us in front and behind our back.
FC: What would you classify as your biggest achievement?
SH: Yet to come … it’s just the beginning.
FC: What habit of yours would you like to break?
SH: Trusting people blindly and falling for words.
FC: Which 4 famous personalities would you seat at your dinner table?
SH: Oprah Winfrey, Queen Rania, Prince Harry and Bilquis Edhi
FC: What advice would you give your younger self?
SH: Don’t doubt yourself or your abilities
FC: What does feeling blue means to you?
SH: I only feel blue when there is a rude awakening and someone’s impression comes crashing down. In relationships of personal or professional nature I am an idealist.
FC: What does “On cloud nine” means to you?
SH: Realizing how kind Allah has been to me and my family, it always makes me feel humble yet elated, that’s my state of being on cloud 9.
FC: Your favourite character from a novel that you would like to meet in person?
SH: Superman. Although it’s a comic book character, but hands down, it would be him.