Nida Butt, the bold and beautiful damsel is associated with MAD school – a music, art and dance institute as well as performance venue. She is the owner and director of Made for Stage theater productions in Karachi, Pakistan–and an alumna of the Kennedy Center Summer Fellowship for International Arts Managers. “Art is the lifeline of our society,” she says.
Here she talks to Fashion Collection about her work and passions.
FC: Lets begin with your latest work. What are you currently involved in?
NB: Currently we have a few projects in the pipeline which are being worked on but nothing we can reveal as yet ! It should be exciting when it hits the public eye.
FC: What do you feel about Pakistani actors going to India for acting or modeling?
NB: Arts has always been a vehicle which bridges divide and ends strife . It doesn’t need to be politicised to create further animosity . The Indian industry is more developed than ours & we have talent here that deserves to rise and shine beyond our own borders . Enough hatred and fear exists in the world today , so the more we feed it the more we all become victims to it.
FC: What was your first debut role or work?
NB: I would say a play I acted in when I was hardly 22. I acted in that, and soon after realised that , hey I could do my very own production . So I did .
FC: What has been your most challenging work so far
NB: The the project doesn’t bring as many challenges , as I try to challenge my self each time by pushing the boundaries of what is possible . I consider my self my own biggest competition , because I am determined to top my own work.
FC: If you were to choose between Film, TV or Theatre, what would you choose?
NB: Isn’t the choice obvious ? But seriously , I have now started developing the story I would like to see told through film . Despite having several offers for this medium, I have chosen to delve into it at my own pace and put forward the story I absolutely fall in love with . If it doesn’t excite me , how will it excite another . One day , I plan to make a film that gives me goosebumps . Right now i am dreaming that up.
FC: What do you feel about the quality of Pakistani films? What are the shortcomings you can identify?
NB: Who am I to judge having never made a film . As a lay person however , I could say that the story line , character development and overall sensibilities have a long way to go . The Story telling and script factors remains weak and leave much to be desired . Serious attention needs to be given to these areas
FC: What have you learned about yourself since you became a celebrity?
NB: That my work is more important than my self . That the label of celebrity is rather dangerous and that I choose for my Art to be greater than my self .
FC: What is the motto you live by?
NB: We are all powerful beings so do what you can to change this world , one small step at a time
FC: What has been your biggest success in life so far?
NB: The ability to make people happy through my work .
FC: What would you call your prized possession?
NB: My grandmothers jewellery . She was a second mother to me .
FC: What do you consider your biggest strength?
NB: Persevere , persist and persevere . Keep fighting whatever challenges life and work throws at you. Keep the faith.
FC: Describe yourself in three words.
NB: Brave . Vivacious . Caring .
FC: If you could change three things about yourself, what would they be?
NB: Ummm my shoe size?
FC: Any regrets so far?
NB: I turned those into lessons , so no .
FC: What are some of the challenges you face in your profession?
NB: Lack of professionalism and laziness. Being an artist doesn’t make you entitled . It defies the very essence of an artist so give of yourself to the Arts and don’t expect anything in return.
FC: One childhood memory that would make you nostalgic.
NB: Running through green fields with a picnic basket in Rawalpindi next to my maternal grandparents home. Or the tennis court !
FC: How do you usually spend your Sundays?
NB: With my husband and family of canines , at home or with nature if I can manage .
FC: What would be your dream project?
NB: Every project has been my dream project . The dream just keeps getting bigger with time …. hello Broadway!